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Robert Eggers


A gothic tale about the obsession between a tormented young woman and the terrifying vampire who has become infatuated with her, causing unspeakable horror.


Remake of the 1922 German silent expressionist film classic "Nosferatu the Vampyre", loosely based on the novel Dracula (1897) by Irish writer Bram Stoker.

For me, who saw the 1979 cult movie "Nosferatu: Phantom der Nacht", the comparison with this new version is inevitable, which did not excite me.

The aforementioned was certainly much simpler and poorer in its sober and perhaps even a little squalid staging and focused a lot on the perverse and disturbing charm of the protagonists, the beautiful Isabelle Adjani and the damned Klaus Kinski.

Here, however, the exact opposite happens, the film is nominated for an Oscar for best photography which in fact immediately strikes the viewer for its intensity, the night scenes outside are fascinating and then the castle, the woods... we find ourselves immersed in rarefied and gothic atmospheres and this is the strong point of the film, but the characters instead are not very attractive, even if the interpreters are good. The vampire monster is here put in the background almost to deny the title of the film which instead sees him as the protagonist and the possessed girl wriggles a bit too much all the time in repetitive scenes of convulsions in perfect "Exorcist" style also resulting very unattractive.
It will only be liked by those who have never seen the other versions.



Ichi The Killer (Koroshiya 1)

Ichi The Killer (Koroshiya 1)


Ichi The Killer (Koroshiya 1) is director by Takeshi Miike. I would say it is Miike’s best film, but he has such an extensive and varied catalogue it is hard to even see all his films let alone really compare them: they range from zombie musicals (Happiness of the Katakuris) to spaghetti westerns based on Shakespeare’s Henry VI (Sukiyaki Western Django). Miike is one of the world’s most prolific directors, making about 3 films every year for the past two decades and they are rarely in the same genre twice, although he does have a love stories involving the Yakuza (... Read More

Noroi: The Curse

Noroi: The Curse


It’s true that when it’s bad, it’s really bad, but there are a few gems out there that make it all worthwhile. The other day I managed to see what might be the most complex one yet, one that doesn’t sacrifice story for the sake of cheap shocks. This film, my friends, is Noroi the Curse, from director Kôji Shiraishi. Bearing more resemblance to something like Brian De Palma’s Redacted* than Paranormal Activity, the film is structured as a mockumentary by the fictional paranormal investigator/journalist Masafumi Kobayashi.... Read More

Annabelle: Creation review

Annabelle: Creation


"Annabelle: Creation" falls in accordance with the advanced awfulness wave. It's the fourth film in "The Conjuring" serie — and the second spinoff to focus on Annabelle, a freaky-looking doll that resembles the Victorian-period cousin of "Child's Play's" Chucky — and it has every one of the components of a contemporary frightfulness hit, including the frightening doll, the spooky (or spooked out) kids and the house that is too huge not to be alarming during the evening.  On the off chance that exclusive it were, you know, scarier. "Annabelle: Creation" has yells and... Read More

Preservation - review



So this is somewhat of a spoiler, however the "motif" of this motion picture is the killers are young people - however I'm certain you likely made sense of that when you read they ride bikes. That all by itself is insufficient to destroy this film. What is, in any case, is their appearing invulnerability (when it's helpful, obviously). The previously mentioned Sean is a previous military veteran who, at a certain point, hits one of the children in the head with the handle of his rifle most likely five or six times. Not exclusively does the executioner get up as though... Read More

The Bye Bye Man

The Bye Bye Man


The heroes Elliot (Douglas Smith), Sasha (Cressida Bonas) and John (Lucien Laviscount) are generally wooden in their acting, however they can most likely be excused for working with a dull plot and dreary discourse. They're additionally dominatingly TV performers, and not especially refined ones at that, so to seek after them to convey the motion picture is excessive.  Indeed, even the working of the Bye Man's legend does nothing for the watcher, since the figure of speech has been played out by such a large number of various films that have likewise improved (... Read More