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Mario Bava


A woman returns to her old home with a new spouse and a son possessed by the ghost of his father.


The latest cinematic chapter of the Italian master Mario Bava, Shock, presents itself as a farewell to his directorial career, emerging from a decade marked by a rebirth of Italian cinema imbued with anger, ambiguity and a fascination for the macabre. The film, a cross between giallo, thriller and horror, is a testimony to that essential contribution of Bava, which had already inspired entire generations of directors.

In this work, however, one senses the loss of that personal imprint: the meticulousness in the photography, a distinctive sign that had made the director famous, as well as that bitter irony capable of mocking social hypocrisies, is missing. Shock seems in fact to orient itself towards a style inspired by the cinema of Dario Argento, highlighted by subjective shots, an obsessive soundtrack and a psychological trauma that acts as a spark for terror.

Although these stylistic choices may seem less incisive, the charm of the story - a narration steeped in madness set in a luxurious country villa - is irresistible. A few characters populate a house that, although it appears serene from the outside, hides unexpected dangers and threats within. Also noteworthy is the memorable performance of the protagonist Daria Nicolodi, already famous for her role in "Deep Red".

Even if some sequences do not reach the best inspiration, Shock still knows how to give moments of intense tension and thrill, culminating in a finale that combines a tragic note with a disturbing sense of suspension.



Founders Day


Blood, Masks, and… Democracy?! If you thought politics was already scary enough, Founders Day takes electoral terror to a whole new level. This slasher with a patriotic twist blends elections, mystery, and a masked serial killer sporting a judge’s wig, ready to enforce his own laws… with a bloody gavel! The tone is a mix between Scream and a presidential debate… except here, if you answer wrong, you don’t just lose votes—you lose your head! The performances are surprisingly solid for an indie horror film, with believable young leads and an antagonist who knows how... Read More

The Addiction


Directed by Abel Ferrara, The Addiction is a vampire film that transcends the confines of the horror genre to explore philosophical and metaphysical themes related to sin, addiction and the nature of evil. Shot in evocative black and white, the film is a visceral meditation on the loss of free will and the corruption of the soul. Ferrara uses vampirism as a metaphor for addiction and self-destruction, recurring themes in his filmography. The film is deeply influenced by existentialist thought and nihilism, with frequent references to philosophers such as Nietzsche and... Read More

Burnt Offerings


Based on the novel of the same name by Robert Marasco. A slowly building gothic nightmare, the film is distinguished by an oppressive atmosphere that develops with a slow but inexorable pace. The terror does not come in the form of sudden jump scares, but through a growing tension and a sense of inevitable doom. The house seems to absorb the vitality of its inhabitants, and the mystery that surrounds it becomes increasingly disturbing. A stellar cast and memorable performances, Karen Black is perfect in the role of the mother, who goes from loving and caring to... Read More

My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To


Unlike typical vampire films, My Heart Can't Beat Unless You Tell It To focuses more on family drama than conventional fear. The tone is melancholic, with a slow and suffocating narration that immerses the viewer in the anguish of the protagonists. The most disturbing aspect is not the violence itself, but the emotional toll that sacrifice and morality impose on the brothers. Jonathan Cuartas builds a claustrophobic and desolate world, emphasizing the loneliness of the characters through dark photography and a clever use of silence. The setting - an anonymous and... Read More

Ghost Stories


Ghost Stories is a British psychological horror film adapted from their play of the same name. The film stands out for its disturbing atmosphere, layered narrative and a surprising ending that overturns the viewer's expectations. Dyson and Nyman build a horror that relies more on psychological tension than gratuitous jump scares. The use of lighting, sound and distressing shots contribute to creating a sense of growing unease. Each story has its own visual identity and a different narrative style, reflecting the personal fears of the protagonists. Andy Nyman offers... Read More