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Ghost Stories

Jeremy Dyson e Andy Nyman


The story follows Professor Philip Goodman (played by Andy Nyman himself), a rationalist and skeptic who is dedicated to debunking alleged paranormal phenomena. When his childhood idol, Charles Cameron, a paranormal investigator who has been missing for years, mysteriously contacts him, Goodman finds himself involved in three disturbing and unexplained cases.

Each segment of the film features a stand-alone ghost story, but with a common thread that ties them together in a subtle and progressively more disturbing way. The first case involves a night watchman (Paul Whitehouse) who is haunted by a dark presence in an old abandoned asylum. The second follows a young motorist (Alex Lawther) who has a supernatural encounter in a forest. The third involves a wealthy banker (Martin Freeman) who claims to be haunted by a poltergeist in his home.


Ghost Stories is a British psychological horror film adapted from their play of the same name. The film stands out for its disturbing atmosphere, layered narrative and a surprising ending that overturns the viewer's expectations.

Dyson and Nyman build a horror that relies more on psychological tension than gratuitous jump scares. The use of lighting, sound and distressing shots contribute to creating a sense of growing unease. Each story has its own visual identity and a different narrative style, reflecting the personal fears of the protagonists.

Andy Nyman offers an intense and engaging interpretation, making his character both cynical and vulnerable. Alex Lawther confirms himself as one of the most talented young actors, with a visceral and disturbing performance. Martin Freeman, known for his more reassuring roles, here shows a more sinister and ambiguous side, resulting in one of the surprises of the film.

Without going into too much detail to avoid spoilers, Ghost Stories ends with a twist that reworks and reconsiders everything the viewer has seen up to that point. The film plays with the perception of reality, transforming supernatural horror into an exploration of the mind and guilt.

Ghost Stories is a refined and disturbing horror film, which departs from the standards of the genre to propose a deeper and more psychological narrative. Fans of atmospheric horror and well-constructed stories will particularly appreciate it, while those looking for more direct scares may find it less effective. However, its charm lies precisely in its ability to slowly insinuate itself into the mind of the viewer, leaving a sense of unease that persists even after the credits roll.



Preservation - review



So this is somewhat of a spoiler, however the "motif" of this motion picture is the killers are young people - however I'm certain you likely made sense of that when you read they ride bikes. That all by itself is insufficient to destroy this film. What is, in any case, is their appearing invulnerability (when it's helpful, obviously). The previously mentioned Sean is a previous military veteran who, at a certain point, hits one of the children in the head with the handle of his rifle most likely five or six times. Not exclusively does the executioner get up as though... Read More

The Bye Bye Man

The Bye Bye Man


The heroes Elliot (Douglas Smith), Sasha (Cressida Bonas) and John (Lucien Laviscount) are generally wooden in their acting, however they can most likely be excused for working with a dull plot and dreary discourse. They're additionally dominatingly TV performers, and not especially refined ones at that, so to seek after them to convey the motion picture is excessive.  Indeed, even the working of the Bye Man's legend does nothing for the watcher, since the figure of speech has been played out by such a large number of various films that have likewise improved (... Read More

10 Cloverfield Lane review

10 Cloverfield Lane


At the point when Cloverfield touched base on the extra large screen in 2008, nothing was thought about the J J Abrams-delivered beast film.  No curve balls there: from the web fuelled tricks encompassing TV demonstrate Lost to the express lockdown on spoilers for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Abrams delights in conjuring up secret and interest.  Indeed, even by all accounts, be that as it may, new film 10 Cloverfield Lane was made under a cover of ­military-review mystery. Indeed, even the cast didn't comprehend what they were taping – it was... Read More

The Operator Review

The Operator: Always Watching


Chief James Moran makes his component make a big appearance here in the wake of filling in as an AD on various outstanding blood and gore movies (counting the initial three Paranormal Activity continuations), and the primary oversight made was relinquishing everything that made the arrangement awesome. There gives off an impression of being no information or innovative control given to DeLage and Magner, which was a noteworthy oversight. The subtlety and moderate form is consequently gone on the grounds that the wordy arrangement is out. The lo-fi look and feel is... Read More

The Neon Demon

The Neon Demon


I’d be remiss not mention Jena Malone’s performance, which many will likely call “brave” and provocative for one scene in particular, but she deserves credit for the less flashy scenes as well. At any given moment the supporting women threaten to steal the movie from the protagonist, which is ironic considering the narrative. Needless to say everyone is well cast, even Reeves who provides much needed humour and levity just by being there. The Neon Demon is not for the faint of heart (or those with a sensitivity to strobing lights... Read More