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Laura, a young woman who lives in an isolated castle in Styria, with her father and a few servants. Her monotonous existence is turned upside down by the arrival of Carmilla, a fascinating and mysterious girl who, after an accident, is welcomed into their home. An ambiguous relationship develops between the two, characterized by an intense attraction, but also by a disturbing sense of threat. As the story progresses, Laura begins to suffer from an inexplicable malaise, while strange events and ancient legends about the presence of a female vampire in the region become more and more pressing.


Published in 1872, Carmilla is a classic gothic tale that laid the foundations for the modern figure of the female vampire. Written by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, the short novel anticipates Bram Stoker's Dracula by more than twenty years and features many of the elements that will become typical of the vampire horror genre.

One of the most fascinating aspects of the novel is its erotic subtext and the ambiguity of the bond between Carmilla and Laura. Le Fanu explores the theme of desire and seduction with great subtlety, using vampirism as a metaphor for forbidden passions and the fear of the unknown. The atmosphere is dense with mystery, with suggestive descriptions and a narrative rhythm that alternates moments of calm with sudden peaks of tension.

From a stylistic point of view, Carmilla stands out for its evocative language and for its ability to build a crescendo of uneasiness. However, the novel suffers at times from a certain predictability, especially for modern readers now accustomed to the conventions of the genre. Furthermore, the final revelation is perhaps too rapid compared to the slow construction of the suspense.

Ultimately, Carmilla is a fundamental work for Gothic literature and for the history of vampire fiction. Despite some naivety, it remains a fascinating and disturbing tale, capable of seducing the reader with its decadent atmosphere and its enigmatic and magnetic central character.


Clock's Watch

Clock's Watch

Michael Reyes

"Clock's Watch" is a very interesting horror collection. The idea of a guardian between two worlds, human and evil, perhaps has been used before, but not in this way. Our protagonist is one and only. There are two things I especially liked in this book: For starters, the great investigation and research about sorcery and demonology. Every story has those elements. The chants or spells Clock pours over the demons as well as the method to hunt them bring a dose of realism that keeps you interested, not only in the story, but in the occult content. Also, I love so much the protagonist. Hero or antihero? I couldn't... Read More

The Overleden: Hell on Earth

The Overleden: Hell on Earth

Terence Simmons

This novel is a complex lattice with sub-stories traversed between them, creating a magnificent performance worth becoming a movie. Or two, I must say, because here we have material for weeks. Let's start from the beginning. I like how the author introduces the several characters (Jasmine, her mother, her boyfriend, friends...) but without stopping to develop impossible descriptions which would make the book tedious and even more massive. No, Simmons knows what he is doing and keeps you awake, not abandoning a shuddering style of story-telling that doesn't allow you to put the book down. You just don't find the moment... Read More

Desert Shadows

Desert Shadows

Joshua Dowidat

"Desert Shadows" is a young-adult horror book. Two boys explore their lives and surroundings in a way we all would have wanted to: creating stories in your mind, adventure, a treasure hunt! Slowly though, they see themselves locked in a horror spiral. A stranger enters their lives to change them forever. I'd like to break this story down, because Dowidat provokes in you transforming emotions. In the beginning, it's a kid's tale. Two brothers, Caleb and Liam, who spend their free time in the desert, building their own world. Slowly, they enter a true, terrifying horror story. A character who seems to be the key is a... Read More



Richard-Steven Williams

Williams has written a book which will keep your hands full for several hours, I read it in one go. There is something very interesting about this story, and it's how the author introduces to the reader all technical concepts he needs you to understand but without being too thick. He makes it gloomy, catchy, mysterious. Space adds an extra plus of creepiness to the thread, since in a ship—there's no way out. Locked with your predator, let the game begin! The book is long but very quick to read because Williams' writing is not heavy, he jumps from one concept to another with ease. Scenes and characters precede each... Read More

Death, Infection, The Devil... and Jed

Howard Carlyle

Allow me to talk a bit about my thoughts on Howard Carlyle. This book is not the first work I read by him since I follow his blogs "The Meyerstown Secret" and "Gloriously Gory". He is an emerging author, with an amazing basis of imagination and twisted influences in his writing, who is working full engine to bring his words to readers. His ideas are intense. Quick stories, flash characters and little winks at the reader form a little collection of four stories, very different between them, all of them tied up with his black irony which has no mercy or compassion for the redeemed. "Death, Infection, The Devil... and... Read More

Highway 666: And Other Tales to Speed your Descent...

David Clark

The author that brought you "Jack" in Shopping list 2 and "Unholy Trinity" in the Big Book of Bootleg Horror Volume IV now brings you an assortment of four tales that will leave your spine tingling and soul looking for redemption. Highway 666 - Read the newspaper account of the horrifying death of 3 teenagers who encountered a Demonic traveler Til Death - A wife is taken on an anniversary treasure hunt following clues left by her husband. At the end of the path, she will be shown he has completely given his heart to her. Demon Apocalypse – It is the end of days, but not how the Bible described it. Save your... Read More

These Walls Don't Talk, They Scream

Kevin Holton

Holton knows how to confuse your mind. He plays with a background of sadness that makes you lose perspective of what is right and what is wrong. A witness who, after all, hasn't chosen its fate can only observe. And in observing, it decides... and condemns. Can you blame a cursed devil? Holton is a very intelligent mind, obviously, and it shines in his books (it's not the first one I read). Nothing is what it seems, he doesn't set you free without controversy in your thoughts. You read a terrible scene, smiling, and suddenly you think, "why am I even smiling at this?!" The characters have no more option than to look... Read More

Crawl Space

Dona Fox

"Crawl Space" is a short story by Dona Fox. She is one of the most disturbing horror authors I have read and as such, she doesn't disappoint with this little piece. The word "disturbing", actually, is a very small one in this case. The madness locked in a woman's mind has no boundaries when it comes to discerning real from insanity. A doll, which will bring you countless sleepless nights, takes the reins in this bloody, psychological, horrific tale. When you finish it, you won't be able to decide if what you feel is either sorrow... or panic. Link to Amazon: Read More


Jeremy Mac

This book is a disturbing quick read. What starts looking like a simple teenager story ends up being an obscure tale electrifying the reader's spine. I didn't expect what I found in this title. Mac is very easy to read, so pleasurable, I can see why he gets so many good reviews. The entrails of the story are centred in that fine line separating power and danger. The way you would lose control of your darkest side without realising you're giving away the reigns. The book is fresh, agile, you don't notice time flies as you're turning pages. All of it sewed with lots of sex, black humour and alcohol. Perfectly... Read More


Marc W. Johnson

If I had to describe this book in one word, it would be without a shadow of a doubt, "shuddering". Johnson knows how to keep you awake. Playing with dialogues, he makes you jump from one scene to another without giving you the option to stop, because... you don't want to stop. An amazing bloody plot which speeds up your mind page after page. You watch as the characters find their own doom. A curse... perhaps a gift? Humour black as night, filled with sarcasm, the author tells you a story of friendship, deceiving and thirst for blood. Something I loved about this book is how real the characters are, you even feel... Read More