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Richard Attemborough


Corky Withers performs ventriloquism tricks with Fats the puppet. But he soon becomes dominated by the puppet, which begins to speak of its own accord, turning him into a murderer.


A disturbing psychological thriller that mixes horror and tension, with a sinister puppet and a young Anthony Hopkins in one of his most intense performances. To get into the role, the British actor immersed himself in the study of ventriloquism techniques, giving his character a tormented and vulnerable depth. His hypnotic gaze and his ability to convey complex emotions make the performance unforgettable.

Behind the camera, Richard Attenborough orchestrates the story with almost surgical precision, enhancing every detail and giving the story an unusual realism for the genre. The relationship between the ventriloquist and the puppet is charged with ambiguity, leaving the viewer balanced between doubt and horror. The result is a tense, refined film full of twists that defy expectations.
"Magic", released in the late seventies, is a forgotten treasure, often overlooked among Hopkins' great works. If you love creepy puppet stories and psychological horror that delve into the human mind, this little masterpiece definitely deserves to be rediscovered.



Let the Right One In

Let the Right One In


As Let the Right One In opens in a suburb of Stockholm during the 1980s, 12-year old Oskar (Kåre Hedebrant) shows all the signs of being on the road to turning into a Columbine killer. He's a loner who is relentlessly bullied at school. His parents, who are divorced, pay him only as much attention as they can fit into their busy schedules. And his hobby is cutting out articles about murders from the local paper and pasting them into a scrapbook. This is not normal behavior even for a socially awkward boy on the cusp of adolescence. But then things take an... Read More

The Atticus Institute movie

The Atticus Institute


Dr Henry West (William Mapother) is the cheif researcher of the Atticus Institute, a small group dedicated to the investigation of psychic phenomena during the mid 1970s.  In 1976 a middle aged woman named Judith Winstead (Rya Kihlstedt) is delivered into their care, as she exhibits an extraordinary level of strange abilities. Nearly 40 years later, the true story of what happened is recounted by those involved.  It seems as if Judith was more than simply psychic: she was a conduit for something far more malevolent…. The Atticus Institute was written and... Read More

The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project


The Horror! The Horror! It's everywhere this summer. Look at the fear on the face of gorgeous Catherine Zeta-Jones in The Haunting, a $75 million scarefest from Twister director Jan De Bont in which Zeta-Jones' lesbian designs on Lili Taylor pale next to the hideous designs that a haunted New England mansion has on both of them. Or check out The Deep Blue Sea, with Cliff-hanger director Renny Harlin pulling every trick an $80 million budget can buy to put Samuel L. Jackson, Thomas Jane and Saffron Burrows at the mercy of merciless, supersize sharks. Screenwriter David E.... Read More

Clown the movie



Hating clowns is pretty much a religious observance in Western culture. No one really needs to explain, ‘I hate clowns’, and no one ever seems to be indifferent to them, let alone like the things, save for women of a certain age who are into naff figurines; it’s weird, though, that so many people have an opinion on something they haven’t ever seen first-hand in their original environment. I don’t know many people who’ve even been to the circus or ever had clowns turn up to entertain them at parties, or if they have, it’s certainly not frequent and/or traumatic enough to... Read More

Breaking at The Edge

Breaking at The Edge


Breaking at the Edge is a 2013 horror film that’s actually more creepy than scary. Two brothers kill their half sister in order to inherit their wealthy estranged father’s estate.  And when the younger brother’s pregnant wife finds out, they plot to kill her too. 2 out of 10 stars.  What I didn’t like was the truly bad acting by the Brazilian actress and the “ghost” of Sara Randolph.  We’ve come a lot further than this.  The rest of the cast wasn’t much better.  Bad casting can really ruin a film. Ian and Bianca Wood are expecting a baby.... Read More