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Richard Attemborough


Corky Withers performs ventriloquism tricks with Fats the puppet. But he soon becomes dominated by the puppet, which begins to speak of its own accord, turning him into a murderer.


A disturbing psychological thriller that mixes horror and tension, with a sinister puppet and a young Anthony Hopkins in one of his most intense performances. To get into the role, the British actor immersed himself in the study of ventriloquism techniques, giving his character a tormented and vulnerable depth. His hypnotic gaze and his ability to convey complex emotions make the performance unforgettable.

Behind the camera, Richard Attenborough orchestrates the story with almost surgical precision, enhancing every detail and giving the story an unusual realism for the genre. The relationship between the ventriloquist and the puppet is charged with ambiguity, leaving the viewer balanced between doubt and horror. The result is a tense, refined film full of twists that defy expectations.
"Magic", released in the late seventies, is a forgotten treasure, often overlooked among Hopkins' great works. If you love creepy puppet stories and psychological horror that delve into the human mind, this little masterpiece definitely deserves to be rediscovered.



10 Cloverfield Lane review

10 Cloverfield Lane


At the point when Cloverfield touched base on the extra large screen in 2008, nothing was thought about the J J Abrams-delivered beast film.  No curve balls there: from the web fuelled tricks encompassing TV demonstrate Lost to the express lockdown on spoilers for Star Wars: Episode VII – The Force Awakens, Abrams delights in conjuring up secret and interest.  Indeed, even by all accounts, be that as it may, new film 10 Cloverfield Lane was made under a cover of ­military-review mystery. Indeed, even the cast didn't comprehend what they were taping – it was... Read More

The Operator Review

The Operator: Always Watching


Chief James Moran makes his component make a big appearance here in the wake of filling in as an AD on various outstanding blood and gore movies (counting the initial three Paranormal Activity continuations), and the primary oversight made was relinquishing everything that made the arrangement awesome. There gives off an impression of being no information or innovative control given to DeLage and Magner, which was a noteworthy oversight. The subtlety and moderate form is consequently gone on the grounds that the wordy arrangement is out. The lo-fi look and feel is... Read More

The Neon Demon

The Neon Demon


I’d be remiss not mention Jena Malone’s performance, which many will likely call “brave” and provocative for one scene in particular, but she deserves credit for the less flashy scenes as well. At any given moment the supporting women threaten to steal the movie from the protagonist, which is ironic considering the narrative. Needless to say everyone is well cast, even Reeves who provides much needed humour and levity just by being there. The Neon Demon is not for the faint of heart (or those with a sensitivity to strobing lights... Read More

Holidays - horror movie



Don't let the trailers fool you, this was not a fun movie to watch. I had high hopes for a fun, comedic horror film anthology when I saw Seth Green in the trailer and Kevin Smith was attached, but it was an incredible disappointment that was difficult to finish. It seemed like in order to include your film in this anthology you had to write the script while high, since they seemed to give off a drug induced vibe. They were written poorly with bad dialogue, stupid stories, and directed like someone who thought they were pretty darn special. The stories were all fairly... Read More

Green Inferno - Eli Roth

Green Inferno


I must admit The Green Inferno had such promise.  I heard a lot about it before the screening, and was obviously thrilled at the Cannibal Holocaust comparison.  It’s such a shame that I didn’t enjoy this more than I did. It’s got a strong start, setting the scene nicely up in this bitch (you’ll get that later – line of the year, ammaright Mitch?), beginning with a well executed plane crash scene, which seemed to genuinely impress all.  Then followed some actually scary, skin crawling action when the kids meet the villagers.  This is where it... Read More