HOLIDAYS is an anthology feature film that puts a uniquely dark and original spin on some of the most iconic and beloved holidays of all time. The film challenges our folklore, traditions and assumptions, making HOLIDAYS a celebration of the horror on those same special days' year after year. A collaboration of some of Hollywood's most distinct voices, the directors include Kevin Smith (Tusk), Gary Shore (Dracula Untold), Scott Stewart (Dark Skies), Kevin Kolsch and Dennis Widmyer (Starry Eyes), Sarah Adina Smith (The Midnight Swim), Nicholas McCarthy (The Pact), Adam Egypt Mortimer (Some Kind of Hate), and Anthony Scott Burns (Darknet).
Don't let the trailers fool you, this was not a fun movie to watch.
I had high hopes for a fun, comedic horror film anthology when I saw Seth Green in the trailer and Kevin Smith was attached, but it was an incredible disappointment that was difficult to finish. It seemed like in order to include your film in this anthology you had to write the script while high, since they seemed to give off a drug induced vibe.
They were written poorly with bad dialogue, stupid stories, and directed like someone who thought they were pretty darn special. The stories were all fairly horrible, with only two that were minimally entertaining being Christmas (the one with Seth Green) and New Years. Kevin Smith's story about Halloween was so disappointing with a silly story and pretty bad dialogue -- that's why I thought it must have been written high.
I really miss the smart dialogue from long ago Kevin Smith. The other directors just seemed like they wanted to be cool and artsy and failed at both. However, it was nice that after each little story, they listed the writer and director so you know who to blame for such crapitude.
I would definitely say wait until its free so you can shut it off before its done without feeling guilty for wasting the money.