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Hush... Hush, sweet Charlotte

Robert Aldrich


Charlotte suffered the trauma of seeing her love beheaded and being suspected of the crime as a young girl. Many years later, she lives a lonely and comfortable life alone. When her cousin Velma comes to visit her, old wounds reopen.


It was supposed to be the natural sequel to the cult film "What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?", but Joan Crawford backed out, and Robert Aldrich, also a producer, chose Olivia de Havilland as a replacement, giving her a role far from her usual "women in distress". Once again based on a novel by Henry Farrell, the film does not reach the originality and impact of its predecessor, but it remains one of the best products born in the wake of that success. Not only for the remarkable performance of Bette Davis but also for the intricate plot, centered on the psychological duel between the protagonists, full of twists and with a well-constructed ending. At times the pace slows and the dialogues drag on unnecessarily but given the duration of over two hours it is understandable, Aldrich takes maniacal care of photography (strictly in black and white) and scenography, confirming himself as a master in packaging these thrillers tinged with decadence. Absolutely to be seen.



Super Dark Times Review

Super Dark Times


When it comes to suspense films populated by teenage characters, there are lots of elements that can mean the difference between hit or miss. However, mood could well be the most important. A mood that’s perfectly on point can convince an audience to forgive plenty of other things and Super Dark Times definitely delivers in that department, but is it enough to earn this directorial debut from Kevin Phillips a spot on your must-see list? Super Dark Times follows the story of two teenage best friends, Zach (Owen Campbell) and Josh (Charlie Tahan). As might be expected of... Read More

6-Headed Shark Attack review

6-Headed Shark Attack


As any die-hard Jaws fan can tell you, it’s just not summer without at least one good (or better yet, not so good) shark movie to take in over a six pack and some popcorn. This year brought us 6-Headed Shark Attack, the latest of Asylum’s campy sequels to 2012’s low-budget 2-Headed Shark Attack. The film is directed by Mark Atkins (Sand Sharks, Planet of the Sharks) and stars Chris Fisher, Jonathan Pienaar, Brandon Auret, and Meghan Oberholder. Whether horror fans have seen the films in the Shark Attack series or not, they’re likely pretty familiar with The Asylum. The... Read More

Amerikan Holokaust


From ICON film studios and comes  a movie called Amerikan Holokaust which is one gory but goody you would like to find in the independent scene if you like gore style in your face gore, splatterhouse style insanity. The movie was made purposely to look like they were home movies to add that extra creep factor which it hits on point wonderfully. The two killers or as they think of themselves "patriots" the actors really nailed there personas to help convince you of there logic. With this unknown film amongst the mainstream this insane... Read More

American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore


American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore is about a group of disturbed film makers kidnapped 2 women and brought into there own twisted playground of drugs, torture,sadism,and murder in hopes to create there own snuff film. And through it all will leave you shocked and disturbed.

The Meg review

The Meg


Naturally, no summer would be complete without a glossy, action-packed blockbuster or two for the theater goers among us to gasp over, right? Creature feature fans, not to mention people that have been patiently waiting decades for the next Jaws, have been especially excited for the recent premiere of The Meg. But is The Meg really worth your hard-earned cash and limited spare time or is it more likely to leave you feeling all wet? The Meg stars everyone’s favorite antihero, Jason Statham (The Fate of the Furious, Cellular) and is directed by Jon Turteltaub. It’s... Read More