| Gregg ZimmermanI don't know how to start talking about this book, because it provokes many different feelings, shadows. The excellent skills of Zimmerman to evoke deep emotions in the reader are present all the book long.
You get completely absorbed by the story. You can feel the wet grass, the smell of the concrete, the warmth of the blood. Our protagonist, Sara, is... such a tireless, hopeless fighter. Physically and psychologically as well. She gets tortured and mistreated in all possible ways by many of the nasty characters appearing on the thread. She is also sick, physically conditioned, multiplying every single pain in... Read More |
| Mike DukeWell, I had to take a couple days to write a review of this book, because it implies too many important concepts. The most important, in my opinion, is how this book DISTURBS you. But not in a regular way. Not in a bloody, gore way. Duke made a Black List of the most painful human feelings (guilt, regret, reproach, resentment, thirst for revenge) and turns the knife in each one of them to make you feel them, one by one. Slowly, enjoying himself.
Sin and guilt, the foundation of Hell. Can you possibly be redeemed after sin? If someone forgives you, if the Gods forgive you, will you be free? What about your own... Read More |
| P.J. Blakey-NovisThis book is a collection of short stories. It's the first piece I have read by this author and it has greatly surprised me. The stories are short but very disturbing, those spine-chilling kind of... each one in a very different way.
Broken minds, impossible nightmares, surrealist situations and, what I liked best, fair and not so fair fates for the characters. Novis happily dances on top of the grave of "The goody wins, the baddy is defeated" typical stamp, carving out his signature: "Do you think you know how this is ending? Hold my beer."
The author owns such a marvelous imagination, every plot is... Read More |
| Michael S. Walker"The Vampire Henry" is, indeed, as all readers say, a different vampire story. Perfectly narrated, easy to read. I could say a lot of things many people have said before but, personally, I would want to focus on the realistic point of view of the author.
You can feel many things reading this book. You feel sadness, because of the background feeling of doom the protagonist drags along his (eternal) path. You feel... anxious, every time his heart races with a new victim. You feel... anger, when he feels stuck in his death and he seems to never get to his horizon.
I think, what makes readers love Walker's writing is... Read More |
| Cyprian Wyrmwood"The Boneyard Chronicles" by Cyprian Wyrmwood is one the most impressive books I have read. In a good way, a very good way.
**Warning** This book contains very sensitive and strong adult content.
And how amazing is that...
When I took the book, I didn't expect what I found. The beginning is amazing, a flash introduction to what you're going to be drowned by, followed by a horror tale you won't be able to put down. The story grows in suspense and "nightmare" as Wyrmwood whispers the events in the bottom of your mind. The author tricks you, makes you think you're diving in one dimension but it's... Read More |
| Alan L PerkinsI must admit I don't know where to start from. Well yes, I will start saying:
I do love demonic tales so, of course, I'm prone to extra-enjoy this book. That said, this is a complex title. Many different stories crossing over each other sewing a perfect web of different lives who crush into the same grave.
Every character, every single little plot has an amazing, intricate, elaborate background which would make you believe all of them are perfectly real.
Perkins shows a terrific intellect, managing and turning the point of view, the narrator, inner thoughts and dialogues - jumping from one... Read More |
| Joanne Van LeerdamI'm very happy I came across this book. I had never read anything from Van Leerdam and I'm greatly surprised. This book is a sweet read, a horror little tale you'd love having next to your bed.
I love these short stories, it kind of reminds me of "Tales from the Crypt", which I was a total fan when I was a kid. Short, sharp, right to the point, with a lesson, a horrific lesson. The reviews for this title are great, and it completely deserves it.
The author introduces all the essential elements to make a horror thread interesting and catching: suspense from the very first page, a little romance (without turning it... Read More |
| Mark Rivett"Thing of Nightmares" is a book any steampunk/fantasy reader will absolutely adore. A crime investigation, chasing the "Clockwork Killer" opens the door to a spiral of conspiracies, murders and lots of blood.
Rivett's writing is very clear, very easy to read. You turn the pages without realizing. With all the introductions and descriptions he needs to expose to guide the reader, it never gets slow or boring.
Characters are realistic, you can relate to what they feel, which sticks you to the book. I especially liked the crime thread. People enraged because they are just, scared. The law failing in their conclusions... Read More |
| Joe and Marisha CautilliThis book is a different one. A very special sci-fi/cyberpunk story. This is the fourth of the series "Zombies Vs. Robots", so the thread is already complex and with lots of information for the reader.
A great effort on robotics research (or knowledge) is obvious and it turns the plot into a web of controversial characters, emotions, technical concepts and delicate situations. Survival, danger and panic move our characters, making the tension latent all along the book.
The Cautillis know how to make you smile very often, though. Humorous scenes are alternated with bloody, sharp ones, sewed with a fast, spine-... Read More |
| Toneye EyenotThis is a beautiful book. Bloody, visceral, gore... beautiful.
"Revenge" is the centre of the plot. An intelligent, organized and furious wolfkind plans their vengeance, after the outrages they have been suffering from, of course, humans.
Our hurt, betrayed and aching protagonist narrates the whole story from the filter of her pain for her recent loss.
"One by one, my claws penetrate the chest and then slowly, I drag down, opening the body up from neck to groin. It screams. Its final vision is of my gaping maw, descending to tear away its head from the struggling body."
From the entrails of the wolf... Read More |