House of Leaves
The story revolves around a mysterious manuscript found in a trunk after the death of its author, the elderly Zampanò, and consists of the exploration of a cult film shot in the haunted house on Ash Tree Lane where the family of the director, Will Navidson, Pulitzer Prize winner for photography, lived, which will end up revealing an endless abyss, wide open on a sentient and feral darkness, capable of swallowing anyone who dares to disturb it.
One of the most successful examples of "ergodic" literature, that is, that literature that requires a greater effort from the reader and that allows the writer to intervene graphically on the text with words in different colors, mixed fonts, illustrations and more. This complex novel, perhaps dispersive and a bit long-winded, is a unique work of its kind, a narrative mosaic balanced between suspense and a dreamlike journey into the subconscious, dark and disturbing... it has become a cult, 20 years after its first publication in the United States, also thanks to the praise given to it by Stephen King. It is certainly not an easy read, full of very long and often difficult to understand digressions, but it is worth taking on the challenge and completely immersing yourself in this horror thriller on the edge of reality, original and distressing. Not to be missed.