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Richard Attemborough


Corky Withers performs ventriloquism tricks with Fats the puppet. But he soon becomes dominated by the puppet, which begins to speak of its own accord, turning him into a murderer.


A disturbing psychological thriller that mixes horror and tension, with a sinister puppet and a young Anthony Hopkins in one of his most intense performances. To get into the role, the British actor immersed himself in the study of ventriloquism techniques, giving his character a tormented and vulnerable depth. His hypnotic gaze and his ability to convey complex emotions make the performance unforgettable.

Behind the camera, Richard Attenborough orchestrates the story with almost surgical precision, enhancing every detail and giving the story an unusual realism for the genre. The relationship between the ventriloquist and the puppet is charged with ambiguity, leaving the viewer balanced between doubt and horror. The result is a tense, refined film full of twists that defy expectations.
"Magic", released in the late seventies, is a forgotten treasure, often overlooked among Hopkins' great works. If you love creepy puppet stories and psychological horror that delve into the human mind, this little masterpiece definitely deserves to be rediscovered.



Girly Movie



Girly is a bloodless, fully dressed, sober good time (yes it is possible) A group of adults play house like children, taking the roles of the mother, the nanny, the younger brother, and the kid sister. Sonny and Girly, the twenty something children of the family, are sent out into the world by Mumsy and Nanny to find playmate friends to bring back home. This involves going out to public parks to find homeless and/or drunk grown men and inviting them home for dinner and play time. Once the men arrive at the home they are forced to play along with the family’s games and... Read More