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The Abominable Dr. Phibes

Robert Fuest


A group of surgeons had operated on the beloved wife of Dr. Phibes, abandoning her in the operating room because she was believed to be dead. Driven mad by grief, the man prepares a fatal recipe to carry out his revenge.


The Abominable Dr. Phibes, directed by Robert Fuest, is a jewel of British horror cinema that combines gothic, grotesque and black humor in a fascinating and macabre mix. Played by a charismatic Vincent Price, the film tells the story of the eccentric and brilliant Dr. Anton Phibes' revenge against the doctors he believes are responsible for his wife's death.

The plot develops as a series of murders inspired by the plagues of Egypt, an idea as ingenious as it is disturbing, which gives life to visually surprising sequences. The baroque aesthetic, with rich sets and saturated colors, creates a dreamlike and surreal atmosphere that recalls expressionist cinema and art deco. Making it all the more fascinating is the soundtrack, which alternates organ music with jazz motifs, contributing to the sinister elegance of the film.

Vincent Price, despite acting almost exclusively with the expressiveness of his face, gives one of his most memorable performances. His Dr. Phibes is a tragic villain, both frightening and melancholic, who inspires a strange form of empathy despite his brutality.

A one-of-a-kind film, The Abominable Dr. Phibes is a perfect example of auteur horror, capable of mixing cruelty and irony with an extraordinary aesthetic taste. A must-see for lovers of cult cinema.



It Follows


“Where ever you are, it’s somewhere. Walking straight for you but it is walking. If you drive far enough you can buy yourself some time to think decide if you want to give it to somebody else.” Finally! A horror movie warning about the serious dangers of STDs, sexually transmitted demons. I had concerns going into this film based solely on that premise however I was pleasantly surprised by the film as a whole. It focuses on building suspense, like the great classic horror films, instead of just trying to use blood splatter and gore to shock screams from the audience.... Read More

Amityville Theater

Amityville Theater


In my opinion, it seemed to keep a little history of Amityville. They used a Ouija board like back in the old Amityville Horror movie. This movie had hardly anything to do with Amityville except that it was in Amityville, NY. Other than that, this had really nothing to do with the history of the house at all. The soundtrack and music in the movie should have had some trace back to Amityville with as far as the theme. Some parts were cool and crazy. Altogether, this movie was ok. That is my review. It is short because I have nothing much else to say. 

Mockingbird movie



I have always believed that it’s not always the way the movie ends that matters, it’s how you get there. While it’s true that many a bad ending have ruined films for me in the past, it isn’t always the case. Of course it’s ideal that the viewer be left in the dark when it comes to big twist endings that everyone will be talking about; but if the film is strong enough throughout, the setup should be as important than the ultimate payoff. In real life, when people are faced with the things similar to what we see in horror films, there isn’t always closure. It’s probably... Read More

The Babadook

The Babadook


The fear present in The Babadook is almost unfounded. It's hard to remember the last time a potent, eerie mood piece fit this much terror within its walls - both physically and psychologically. Not that films today don't have the power of scaring their audience, it's just that the effect is surface-layer for the most part, easy to shake off because of a certain distance to be attained. In other words, the fear is so within its own horror genre that once taken out the fact that it's a film meant to scare, it does nothing. The Babadook masterfully... Read More

Contracted the Movie



What a magic little gem this is and one which will make you think twice about having a one night stand! My only complaint about this one is that it didn’t run long enough and ended too abruptly. I wanted more. This movie runs along a similar vein as Thanatomorphose where a young girl becomes infected with a virus and her body begins to fall apart.  Though nowhere near as graphic as Thanatomorphose, there are enough differences between both movies to make them unique. This story is about Samantha who is a lesbian and after breaking up with her girlfriend attends a... Read More