American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore
In the 1980's Japan introduce the world of horror to a shocking and extreme series of movies called "Guinea Pig" after such shocking controversy of the films it grew on the true gore hounds of the horror scene and now in 2015 people from unearthed films and writer/director Stephen Biro help give life to the "American Guinea Pig" series and this movie is a true nod in respect to the original Japanese counter parts with this aunslaught of pure carnage gore and blasphemous sadism that makes Eli Roth's "Hostile" looks like a Disney princess movie.
This film even with the budget they have to work with and the style they chose to do it in makes it go along way. Such form of horror is a required taste but it will run your senses and emotions through the gauntlet to the very end. This is not your typical garden variety horror, but its worth a look if you love practical fx and extreme torture gore films.
American Guinea Pig: Bouquet of Guts and Gore is about a group of disturbed film makers kidnapped 2 women and brought into there own twisted playground of drugs, torture,sadism,and murder in hopes to create there own snuff film. And through it all will leave you shocked and disturbed.