The Vampire Henry
Sick of vampires who glitter? Who run around in the sun, looking all hunky and moody? Then meet Henry Lovell - the Vampire Henry. Nothing glamorous about Henry. He's a working-class stiff (no pun intended) and aspiring writer who just happens to drink blood to survive. He may or may not be immortal, but he knows one thing - life is Short baby, so drink up. . . This then is the tale of the Vampire Henry. It is a story like a lot of other stories really: full of messy mistakes, heroes and villains, survivors and victims - blood, sweat, and tears. Oh yeah. . . There's a Lot of blood. . .
"The Vampire Henry" is, indeed, as all readers say, a different vampire story. Perfectly narrated, easy to read. I could say a lot of things many people have said before but, personally, I would want to focus on the realistic point of view of the author.
You can feel many things reading this book. You feel sadness, because of the background feeling of doom the protagonist drags along his (eternal) path. You feel... anxious, every time his heart races with a new victim. You feel... anger, when he feels stuck in his death and he seems to never get to his horizon.
I think, what makes readers love Walker's writing is the sharp honesty he expresses through. You never get tired of "hearing" him in your mind. Henry's little adventures frame his philosophy and transcendental thoughts. First hand, you live and suffer the pain and glory of being a vampire.
Walker's lines are very pleasurable to read, making any kind of horror reader comfortable and grabbed by them. A good book. A good horror author. A little amazing piece in your shelf.
I like vampires, but I was really sick of all the latest "boom" of glittering teenager ones, and I really enjoyed this book. Close, visceral, harsh, drenched in sarcasm and... blood. Paranormal horror fans will love this book so much.