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Crystal Bones and Gossamer Wings

Crystal Bones and Gossamer Wings


A box full of newspaper clippings, photographs, and tiny bones found under a dying woman’s bed leads to the discovery of the existence of an unusual group of children. Kept apart, these children grew up believing their fathers were the wealthy mortal men who had wed their pregnant mothers.

One of these children was named Crystal, she was raised by a scientist who was obsessed with the secret of winged flight; her mother died during one of his tests and Crystal was sent to a foster home.

As an adult, she's searching for her father, while strange furies rise within her that become harder to control. Can she find her mortal stepfather? Will he have the answers? Can he tell her who she is, what she is, and what's wrong with her? Will she find the others like her before it's too late?


This piece is a novella by Dona Fox and the length has allowed her to elaborate her writing deeply on her already established study of the human psyche —and its insanity.

This time, many characters guide you through this labyrinth. The plot is full of twists and turns which will make you reconsider constantly what you have comprehended so far.

The protagonist expresses herself in first person, habitual Fox's tool to show the reader in a more intense way the feelings and madness of that mind.

She is a combination, or so it seems, of devotion, conformity, complete surrender and... love? to her father and all the abominations he performs on her.

But why is she the victim of all those experiments? Because she is special... and she is not the only one. Her mother's death memory follows her everywhere and her guilt for the "accident".

An intricate web of crossed stories that will slowly show you the truth, through the voice of a completely broken mind who keeps her secrets and intentions from everyone, even... from the reader.

Dona Fox doesn't disappoint and, this time, she gives you far more material for you to get lost into.

Wander off into her disturbing creations and unleash crossed emotions that, very often, won't allow you to decide what you are actually feeling.

Anger, sadness, disgust and terror hold hands to transport your mind through a terminal flight.

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