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Horror Galore is collecting real genuine horror stories from people.

Whatever creepy happened to you about ghosts, hauntings, massacres, paranormal, murders, oddities... all of this is welcome. We are waiting for your videos, audios, stories, pictures and whatever you feel to share with us.

So you want to write for the coolest horror blog?  We’d love to have you.  We are always looking for stories about individuals’ experiences engaging with horror culture.  Even if you’ve never had any paranormal experience but are totally obsessed about horror culture, we’d love to hear your story.

What we’re looking for

  • Anecdotal, informational and urban legend posts.
  • Clear, concise, quality writing.
  • Fresh ideas.  Please look through our archives before contacting us.

What we have to offer

  • Exposure to a fan base massivelystrong.  We will link up to your real name if you want to. 
  • Our competitors biggest sites will sometimes pick up our blogs.  Ever wanted to see what your writing would look like translated into another language? 
  • You retain rights to your work and can re-publish on your own site if you would like.
  • Unfortunately, we cannot offer monetary compensation of any kind.

Get in touch

Still interested in writing for us?  Drop us a line at contact form.  Introduce yourself (where are you from?  what do you do?), tell us about your relationship with horror, and pitch a few blog ideas, and we’ll be in touch as soon as we can.  Cheers!

Horror Galore Wants You!

contact us here